These user’s setup instructions cover typical user environments. The on-screen
messages may differ depending on the level of your hardware and software. In some
cases you may need to vary the setup procedures.
For more information, refer to your computer or operating system manuals or consult
your system administrator or dealer.
Ces instructions de configuration d’exploitation s’appliquent aux environnements
d’utilisation types. Les messages affichés à l’écran peuvent varier en fonction du niveau
de votre matériel et de vos logiciels informatiques. Dans certains cas, vous pouvez être
amenés à changer de procédures de configuration.
Pour de plus amples informations à ce sujet, veuillez vous reporter aux manuels de votre
ordinateur et de votre système d’exploitation, ou consultez l’administrateur de votre
système ou votre revendeur.
Diese Anweisungen für die Einstellung durch den Benutzer gelten für typische
Betriebsumgebungen. Die Bildschirmmeldungen können je nach Art der verwendeten
Hardware und Software auch anders lauten. In einigen Fällen müssen die
Einstellungsschritte unter Umständen abgeändert werden.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Computer- oder Betriebssystemhandbuch, oder
wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator oder Fachhändler.
En estas instrucciones de configuración se describen entornos de usuarios típicos. Los
mensajes en pantalla, pueden diferir según sea el nivel del hardware y del software. En
algunos casos, necesitará seguir otros procedimientos para la configuración.
Para obtener más información, puede consultar los manuales del ordenador o del sistema
operativo o ponerse en contacto con el administrador del sistema o con el distribuidor.
Queste istruzioni di configurazione per l’utente coprono gli ambienti operativi comuni. I
messaggi che appaiono sul video possono differire a seconda dell’hardware e del
software utilizzati. In alcuni casi potrebbe essere necessario variare le procedure di
Per ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento ai manuali del computer o del sistema
operativo, o consultare il proprio amministratore di sistema o il concessionario.
To avoid electric shock hazard:
The product is supplied with a grounded plug and power cord which should be used to
connect to the AC supply.
The power cord should only be used with a properly wired and grounded power outlet.
Any equipment to which this product is attached must also be connected to a properly
wired and grounded outlet.
Do not remove the covers.
The product does not incorporate an AC power switch. To isolate the monitor from the
electrical supply, you must remove the plug from the power outlet. The power outlet
should be easily accessible
Do not connect or disconnect this product during an electrical storm.
Always use the AC adapter supplied with the monitor.
Handle this product with care when moving it.
The panel should not be operated in a horizontal position.
The fluorescent lamp used in the Liquid Crystal Display assembly contains a small
quantity of mercury (less than 50 milligrams). For environmental reasons this product
should not be disposed of into landfill. It must be disposed of as required by local
ordinances or regulations.
The Liquid Crystal Display assembly is made of glass and can break as a result of
rough handling or dropping. This may lead under some circumstances to a small
quantity of the liquid crystal material being exposed. Avoid contact with this material as
it is an irritant. Should this material come into contact with eyes, hands, etc., the area
should be washed with water for at least 15 minutes; medical care should be obtained if
any symptoms are present after washing.
Pour éviter tout risque d’électrocution :
Le produit est livré avec un cordon d’alimentation et une prise de terre à utiliser pour le
branchement sur le secteur (VCA).
Le cordon d’alimentation ne doit être branché que sur une prise électrique
correctement câblée et mise à la terre.
Tous les matériels auxquels ce produit est raccordé doivent également être branchés
sur une prise électrique correctement câblée et mise à la terre.
Ne pas enlever les capots de protection.
Le produit ne possède aucun interrupteur de courant électrique (VCA). Pour isoler le
moniteur de l’alimentation électrique, débrancher la fiche de la prise électrique. La
prise électrique doit être facilement accessible.
Ne pas brancher ou débrancher ce produit pendant un orage électrique.
Toujours utiliser l’adaptateur électrique (VCA) fourni avec le moniteur.
Manipulation :
Manipuler ce produit avec précaution pour le déplacer.
Le panneau ne doit pas être utilisé en position horizontale.
La lampe fluorescente de l’écran à cristaux liquides contient une faible quantité de
mercure (moins de 50 milligrammes). Pour protéger l’environnement, ce produit ne doit
pas être jeté dans une décharge. Il doit être éliminé conformément aux
réglementations locales.
L’écran à cristaux liquides est en verre. Il peut donc se briser en cas de chute ou de
mauvaise manipulation. Si l’écran est brisé, une faible quantité de cristaux liquides
risque de se répandre. Eviter tout contact avec cette matière irritante. Si des cristaux
liquides rentrent en contact avec les yeux, les mains, etc., il faut alors laver cette zone
avec de l’eau pendant au moins 15 minutes. Si des symptômes apparaissent après le
lavage des zones concernées, contacter un médecin.
Um der Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags vorzubeugen:
Das Gerät wird mit einem geerdeten Stecker und Netzkabel geliefert, das zum
Anschluß an die Wechselstromversorgung verwendet werden sollte.
Das Netzkabel darf nur an eine ordnungsgemäß verkabelte und geerdete Steckdose
angeschlossen werden.
Alle Geräte, an die dieses Produkt angeschlossen ist, müssen ebenfalls an eine
ordnungsgEmäß verkabelte und geerdete Steckdose angeschlossen sein.
Die Gehäusedeckel dürfen nicht entfernt werden.
Das Gerät besitzt keinen Hauptschalter. Um die Stromversorgung zum Monitor zu
unterbrechen, müssen Sie den Stecker aus der Steckdose ziehen. Die Steckdose
sollte leicht zugänglich sein.
Das Gerät darf während eines Gewitters nicht ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden.
Verwenden Sie nur das im Lieferumfang des Monitors enthaltene Netzteil.
Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie das Gerät bewegen.
Das Bedienfeld darf nicht bedient werden, wenn der Monitor auf der Seite liegt.
Die in der LCD-Baugruppe verwendete Leuchtstofflampe enthält eine geringe Menge
Quecksilber (unter 50 mg). Aus Umweltschutzgründen darf dieses Gerät nicht auf eine
Mülldeponie gebracht werden, sondern muß gemäß den örtlichen Vorschriften und
Verordnungen entsorgt werden.
Die LCD-Baugruppe besteht aus Glas, das bei unsanfter Handhabung oder
Fallenlassen des Geräts zerbrechen kann. In diesem Fall tritt unter Umständen eine
geringe Menge flüssiges Quecksilber aus. Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit dieser
Substanz, da es sich um einen Reizstoff handelt. Sollten Ihre Augen, Hände usw. damit
in Berührung kommen, waschen Sie den betroffenen Bereich mindestens 15 Minuten
mit Wasser aus. Wenn nach dem Auswaschen noch Beschwerden festzustellen sind,
sollte ein Arzt zu Rate gezogen werden.
Voor het vermijden van elektrische schokken:
Dit product wordt geleverd met een voedingskabel voorzien van een geaarde stekker.
Voor aansluiting op het lichtnet dient deze voedingskabel gebruikt te worden.
De voedingskabel dient alleen gebruikt te worden in een stopcontact dat correct
bedraad en geaard is.
Alle apparatuur waar dit product op aangesloten is dient eveneens op een correct
bedraad en geaard stopcontact aangesloten te zijn.
Demonteer niet de dekplaten.
Dit product is niet voorzien van een netschakelaar. Scheid de monitor van de
netspanning door de stekker uit het stopcontact te nemen. Het stopcontact dient goed
toegankelijk te zijn.
Dit product niet tijdens onweer aansluiten of loskoppelen.
Gebruik altijd de wisselspanningsadapter die bij de monitor meegeleverd is.
Hoe met het product omgegaan moet worden:
Ga bij verplaatsingen voorzichtig met dit product om.
Het bedieningspaneel mag niet in horizontale stand bediend worden.
De fluorescerende lamp in het LCD-samenstel bevat een kleine hoeveelheid kwik
(minder dan 50 mg). In verband met milieueisen mag dit product niet als normaal afval
gestort worden. Men dient het te verwijderen volgens ter plaatse geldende regels en
Doordat het LCD-samenstel van glas gemaakt is kan het bij ruwe behandeling of als
men het laat vallen, breken. In sommige omstandigheden kan dit tot gevolg hebben dat
het vloeibare-kristalmateriaal vrijkomt. Vermijd contact met dit materiaal aangezien het
irritaties kan veroorzaken. Als het materiaal in contact komt met ogen, handen, enz.,
dan moeten deze gedurende minstens 15 minuten met water gespoeld worden; als er
na het spoelen nog steeds symptomen aanwezig zijn dient er medische hulp
ingeroepen te worden.
Para evitar el riesgo de descargas eléctricas:
El producto se suministra con un enchufe con conexión a tierra y con un cable de
alimentación para conectar al suministro de corriente alterna.
Conecte el cable de alimentación sólo a un tomacorrientes con el cableado y conexión
a tierra correctos.
Este producto deberá conectarse a un equipo que esté también conectado a un
tomacorrientes con el cableado y conexión a tierra correctos.
No retire las cubiertas.
En este producto no se incorpora un interruptor para alimentación de corriente alterna.
Para aislar el monitor del suministro de energía eléctrica, desconéctelo del
tomacorrientes. Asegúrese de utilizar una toma eléctrica de fácil acceso.
No conecte o desconecte este producto durante una tormenta eléctrica.
Utilice siempre el adaptador de corriente alterna que se suministra con el monitor.
Al mover el producto, hágalo con cuidado.
El panel no debe ponerse en funcionamiento si se encuentra en posición horizontal.
La lámpara fluorescente que se utiliza en la pantalla de cristal líquido (LCD) contiene
una pequeña cantidad de mercurio (menos de 50 miligramos). No lo tire junto a
basuras que se depositan en vertederos; hacerlo, podría resultar nocivo para el medio
ambiente. Tenga en cuenta la normativa local en cuanto a eliminación de desechos.
La pantalla de cristal líquido (LCD) es de cristal y puede romperse como resultado de
un trato brusco o de una caída. Podría suceder que una pequeña cantidad del material
de cristal líquido quedase al descubierto. Este material es irritante; evite tocarlo.
Asegúrese de evitar el contacto de sus ojos, manos, etc., con el líquido. Si el líquido
toca alguna de estas partes, lave el área afectada con agua corriente durante 15
minutos como mínimo y, luego, consulte a un médico.
Per evitare rischi di scosse elettriche:
Il prodotto è dotato di una spina e di un cavo di alimentazione con messa a terra che
dovranno essere utilizzati per il collegamento all'alimentazione CA.
Il cavo di alimentazione dovrà essere utilizzato esclusivamente con una presa elettrica
adeguatamente cablata e con messa a terra.
Si dovrà utilizzare una presa adeguatamente cablata e con messa a terra anche per
eventuali apparecchiature alle quali il prodotto sia collegato.
Non smontare le coperture.
L'apparecchiatura non incorpora un interruttore dell’alimentazione CA. Per isolare il
monitor dall'alimentazione elettrica è necessario staccare la spina dalla presa elettrica.
La presa elettrica dovrà essere facilmente accessibile.
Non collegare o scollegare il prodotto durante una tempesta elettrica.
Utilizzare sempre l'adattatore CA fornito con il monitor.
Note di impiego:
Maneggiare con cura il prodotto per spostarlo.
Il monitor non deve essere utilizzato in posizione orizzontale.
La lampada fluorescente installata nel display a cristalli liquidi (LCD) contiene una
piccola quantità di mercurio (meno di 50 milligrammi). Pertanto, per ragioni dettate
dalla tutela dell'ambiente, non utilizzare le normali discariche per lo smaltimento del
prodotto ma attenersi ai regolamenti e alle ordinanze locali.
Il display a cristalli liquidi è di vetro e, se lasciato cadere o non maneggiato con cautela,
può rompersi. Ciò potrebbe causare in certe condizioni la fuoriuscita di una piccola
quantità della sostanza che compone i cristalli liquidi. Evitare il contatto con tale
sostanza perché è irritante. Se la sostanza dovesse venire a contatto con occhi, mani,
ecc., risciacquare la parte interessata con acqua per almeno 15 minuti. Se, dopo aver
risciacquato la parte, si avvertono eventuali sintomi, consultare un medico.
Para evitar o perigo de choques eléctricos:
O produto é fornecido com uma ficha com massa e um cabo eléctrico que deverá ser
utilizado para ligar à alimentação CA.
O cabo eléctrico deve ser apenas utilizado com uma tomada devidamente electrificada
e ligada à massa.
Qualquer equipamento a que este produto se encontre ligado também tem que estar
ligado a uma tomada devidamente electrificada e ligada à massa.
Não tire as coberturas.
O produto não possui um interruptor CA. Para isolar o monitor da alimentação
eléctrica, tem que tirar a ficha da tomada. A tomada deverá estar num local de acesso
Não ligue nem desligue este produto durante uma trovoada.
Utilize sempre o adaptador CA fornecido com o monitor.
Manuseie este produto com cuidado quando o deslocar.
O painel não deverá ser utilizado numa posição horizontal.
A luz fluorescente utilizada no conjunto do visor de cristais líquidos (LCD) contém uma
pequena quantidade de mercúrio (menos de 50 miligramas). Por razões de ordem
ambiental este produto não pode ser eliminado num aterro sanitário. Terá que ser
eliminado de acordo com as disposições e regulamentos locais.
O conjunto do visor de cristais líquidos (LCD) é feito de vidro e pode partir-se se for
tratado com falta de cuidado ou se cair. Estas situações, em certas circunstâncias,
podem levar à exposição de uma pequena quantidade de cristais líquidos. Evite o
contacto com este material porque se trata de um produto irritante. Se este material
entrar em contacto com os olhos, mãos, etc., a área deverá ser lavada com água
durante pelo menos 15 minutos; se, após, a lavagem detectar algum sintoma deverá
consultar um médico.
Sådan undgås risiko for elektrisk stød:
Dette produkt leveres med et jordstik og en netledning, som skal bruges ved tilslutning
til strømnettet.
Netledningen må kun bruges i en korrekt jordet og tilsluttet stikkontakt.
Alt udstyr, som dette produkt tilsluttes til, skal også være tilsluttet en korrekt
jordforbundet og tilsluttet stikkontakt.
Dækslerne må ikke fjernes.
Produktet har ingen strømafbryder. Hvis skærmen skal isoleres fra den elektriske
strømkilde, skal stikket tages ud af stikkontakten. Stikkontakten skal være umiddelbart
inden for rækkevidde.
Tilslut og frakobl ikke dette produkt i tordenvejr.
Benyt altid den vekselstrømsadapter, der fulgte med skærmen.
Behandl produktet forsigtigt, når det flyttes.
Panelet må ikke betjenes i vandret stilling.
Den fluorescerede pære i LCD-skærmen indeholder et mindre kvantum kviksølv (under
50 mg). Af hensyn til miljøet bør dette produkt ikke bortskaffes på en losseplads. Det
skal bortskaffes i henhold til lokale love og regulativer.
LCD-skærmen består af glas, der kan gå itu, hvis den behandles uforsigtigt eller tabes.
Dette kan i visse tilfælde medføre udslip af en mindre mængde flydende krystaller.
Undgå kontakt med dette materiale, da det kan give anledning til irritation. Hvis dette
materiale kommer i kontakt med øjne, hænder osv. bør området skylles med vand i
mindst 15 minutter. Kontakt lægen i tilfælde af symptomer efter skylningen.
Slik unngår du risiko for elektrisk støt:
Produktet er utstyrt med et jordet støpsel og en jordet strømledning som skal brukes til
å koble det til strømtilførselen.
Strømledningen bør bare brukes i en riktig montert og jordet stikkontakt.
Alt utstyr som dette produktet kobles sammen med, må også kobles til en riktig montert
og jordet kontakt.
Ta ikke av dekselet.
Produktet har ingen strømbryter. Når du vil bryte strømtilførselen, må du ta ut støpselet
fra kontakten. Kontakten bør være lett tilgjengelig.
Koble ikke til eller fra produktet i tordenvær.
Bruk alltid vekselstrømsadapteren som følger med skjermen.
Vær forsiktig når du flytter produktet.
Panelet bør ikke brukes i vannrett stilling.
Lysstoffrøret som er brukt i LCD-enheten, inneholder en liten mengde kvikksølv
(mindre enn 50 gram). Av miljøhensyn må dette produktet ikke kastes i naturen, men
må behandles som spesialavfall i henhold til lokale lover og regler.
LCD-enheten består av glass som kan knuses hvis den behandles uforsiktig eller faller
i bakken. I noen tilfeller kan dette føre til at litt av LCD-væsken renner ut. Unngå å
komme i kontakt med materialet, da det kan forårsake irritasjoner. Hvis materialet
kommer i kontakt med øynene, hendene e.l., bør det utsatte området skylles med vann
i minst 15 minutter. Oppsøk lege hvis det fortsatt vises symptomer på irritasjon etter
Så här undviker du risk för elektriska stötar:
Produkten är försedd med en jordad stickpropp och sladd för anslutning till eluttag.
Nätsladden ska bara anslutas till ett korrekt installerat jordat eluttag.
All utrustning som sammankopplas med denna produkt måste också anslutas till ett
korrekt installerat jordat eluttag.
Ta inte bort kåporna.
Produkten är inte försedd med nätströmbrytare. Om du vill koppla bort skärmen från
elnätet måste du dra ut stickproppen ur eluttaget. Eluttaget ska vara lättåtkomligt.
Undvika att ansluta eller koppla bort produkten under åskväder.
Använd alltid nätadaptern som följde med skärmen.
Hantera produkten varsamt när du flyttar den.
Panelen får inte användas i horisontellt läge.
Lampan som används i LCD-enheten innehåller en liten mängd kvicksilver (mindre än
50 milligram). Av miljöskäl får den inte kasseras som vanligt avfall, utan måste
kasseras enligt lokala förordningar och regler.
LCD-enheten är tillverkad av glas och kan gå sönder om den utsätts för ovarsam
hantering eller tappas i golvet. Detta kan under vissa omständigheter leda till att en
liten mängd av flytande kristall (LCD)-materialet frigörs. Undvik kontakt med detta
material eftersom det kan orsaka irritation. Om materialet skulle komma i kontakt med
ögon, händer m m ska området spolas med vatten i minst 15 minuter; uppsök läkare
om du har symptom efter spolningen.
Sähköiskuvaaran välttäminen:
Tuotteen mukana toimitetaan maadoitettu pistoke ja liitäntäjohto, joita pitäisi käyttää
vaihtovirtasyöttöön kytkettäessä.
Liitäntäjohdon saa kytkeä vain asianmukaisesti johdotettuun ja maadoitettuun
Kaikki laitteet, joihin tämä tuote liitetään, on myös kytkettävä asianmukaisesti
johdotettuun ja maadoitettuun pistorasiaan.
Älä poista suojakansia.
Laitteessa ei ole vaihtovirtakatkaisijaa. Pistoke on poistettava pistorasiasta monitorin
sähkövirran syötön katkaisemiseksi. Pistorasian pitäisi olla helposti käsiksi
päästävässä paikassa.
Älä kytke tuotetta päälle tai päältä ukonilmalla.
Käytä aina monitorin mukana toimitettua vaihtovirta-adapteria.
Käsittele tuotetta varovasti siirtäessäsi sitä.
Paneelia ei saa käyttää vaakasuorassa asennossa.
Nestekidenäytössä käytetty loistelamppu sisältää pienen määrän elohopeaa (alle 50
milligrammaa). Ympäristönsuojelusyistä tätä tuotetta ei saa toimittaa kaatopaikalle,
vaan se on hävitettävä paikallisten säännösten ja määräysten mukaisesti.
Nestekidenäyttö on tehty lasista, ja se voi rikkoutua kovakouraisesti käsiteltäessä tai
pudotettaessa. Joissakin olosuhteissa tällöin voi päästä vapaaksi pieniä määriä
nestekideainetta. Vältä koskettamasta tätä ainetta, sillä se aiheuttaa ärsytystä. Jos
aine pääsee kosketuksiin silmien, käsien ym. kanssa, aluetta pitää huuhdella vedellä
vähintään 15 minuutin ajan; jos huuhtelun jälkeen havaitaan ärsytysoireita, on
käännyttävä lääkärin puoleen.
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ꢈꢏꢈ ꢘ%#ꢗꢊꢗꢉꢊꢎꢉꢏ ꢛꢉꢈꢍ"ꢉꢊꢋꢌꢉꢍꢘꢚ/ꢈ-ꢉ4ꢉꢍꢘꢚ/ꢈꢉꢍꢘ%ꢍꢗ ꢉꢌꢈꢉ2ꢘꢚ#ꢓꢗꢊꢈ ꢉ#ꢗꢉ#ꢋ$ꢗꢚꢎꢉꢗꢕꢓꢎꢖꢈꢉ
ꢍꢘꢎ#ꢍꢗꢖ0# $ꢎ-
1ꢋꢉ#ꢐꢌꢔ%ꢗꢊꢗꢉꢒꢉꢈꢍꢎ#ꢐꢌꢔ%ꢗꢊꢗꢉꢊꢎꢉꢍꢘꢎ!"ꢌꢉꢓꢈꢊ0ꢉꢊꢋꢉꢔ 0ꢘꢓꢗ ꢈꢉꢋꢖꢗꢓꢊꢘꢎ.ꢕꢗꢖꢖꢈꢛ-
ꢂꢈꢉ(ꢘꢋ# $ꢎꢍꢎ ꢗꢚꢊꢗꢉꢍ0ꢌꢊꢎꢊꢗꢉꢊꢎꢌꢉꢍꢘꢎ#ꢈꢘ$ꢎꢑ%ꢈꢉ*+ꢉꢍꢎꢐꢉꢐꢍ0ꢘ(ꢗ ꢉ#ꢊꢋꢉ#ꢐ#ꢓꢗꢐꢈ#ꢚꢈꢉꢊꢋꢛꢉ
5ꢗ ꢘ #$"ꢛꢜ
ꢅꢉ(ꢗ ꢘ #$"ꢛꢉꢊꢎꢐꢉꢍꢘꢎ!"ꢌꢊꢎꢛꢉꢓꢈꢊ0ꢉꢊꢋꢉ$ꢗꢊꢈꢏꢎꢘ0ꢉꢊꢎꢐꢉꢍꢘ%ꢍꢗ ꢉꢌꢈꢉꢑꢚꢌꢗꢊꢈ ꢉ$ꢗꢉꢍꢘꢎ#ꢎ(ꢒ-
4ꢉꢎ."ꢌꢋꢉꢔꢗꢌꢉꢍꢘ%ꢍꢗ ꢉꢌꢈꢉꢖꢗ ꢊꢎꢐꢘꢑꢗꢚꢉ#ꢗꢉꢎꢘ /"ꢌꢊ ꢈꢉ.%#ꢋ-
ꢅꢉꢖꢈ$ꢍꢊꢒꢘꢈꢛꢉꢏ.ꢎꢘ #$ꢎꢕꢉ#ꢊꢋꢌꢉꢎ."ꢌꢋꢉꢐꢑꢘ'ꢌꢉꢓꢘꢐ#ꢊ0ꢖꢖ&ꢌꢉ)6+7,ꢉꢍꢗꢘ %(ꢗ ꢉ$ ꢓꢘꢒꢉ
ꢍꢎ#"ꢊꢋꢊꢈꢉꢐꢔꢘꢈꢘꢑꢕꢘꢎꢐꢉ)ꢖ ꢑ"ꢊꢗꢘꢎꢉꢈꢍ"ꢉ89ꢉ:;,-ꢉꢇ ꢈꢉꢖ"ꢑꢎꢐꢛꢉꢍꢘꢎ#ꢊꢈ#ꢚꢈꢛꢉꢍꢗꢘ 20ꢖꢖꢎꢌꢊꢎꢛ3ꢉ
ꢊꢎꢉꢍꢘꢎ!"ꢌꢉꢈꢐꢊ"ꢉꢔꢗꢌꢉꢍꢘ%ꢍꢗ ꢉꢌꢈꢉꢈꢍꢎꢘꢘꢚꢍꢊꢗꢊꢈ ꢉ#ꢗꢉ(&$ꢈꢊꢗꢘ%ꢛ-ꢉꢀꢈꢊ0ꢉꢊꢋꢌꢉꢈꢍ"ꢘꢘ <ꢒꢉꢊꢎꢐꢉ
ꢍꢘ%ꢍꢗ ꢉꢌꢈꢉꢈꢓꢎꢖꢎꢐ.ꢎꢕꢌꢊꢈ ꢉꢎ ꢉꢓꢈꢊ0ꢉꢊ"ꢍꢎꢐꢛꢉ #(ꢕꢎꢐ#ꢗꢛꢉ#(ꢗꢊ ꢓ%ꢛꢉꢔ ꢈꢊ0ꢙꢗ ꢛꢉꢒꢉꢓꢈꢌꢎꢌ #$ꢎꢚ-
4ꢉꢔ 0ꢊꢈꢙꢋꢉꢊꢋꢛꢉꢎ."ꢌꢋꢛꢉꢐꢑꢘ'ꢌꢉꢓꢘꢐ#ꢊ0ꢖꢖ&ꢌꢉꢈꢍꢎꢊꢗꢖꢗꢚꢊꢈ ꢉꢈꢍ"ꢉꢑꢐꢈꢖꢚꢉꢓꢈ ꢉ$ꢍꢎꢘꢗꢚꢉꢌꢈꢉ#ꢍ0#ꢗ ꢉ
#ꢗꢉꢍꢗꢘꢚꢍꢊ&#ꢋꢉ2ꢚꢈ ꢎꢐꢉ(ꢗ ꢘ #$ꢎꢕꢉꢒꢉꢍꢊ'#ꢋꢛ-ꢉꢆꢗꢉ$ꢗꢘ ꢓ%ꢛꢉꢍꢗꢘ ꢍꢊ'#ꢗ ꢛ3ꢉꢈꢐꢊ"ꢉ$ꢍꢎꢘꢗꢚꢉꢌꢈꢉ
%(ꢗ ꢉ&ꢛꢉꢈꢍꢎꢊ%ꢖꢗ#$ꢈꢉꢊꢋꢌꢉ%ꢓ.ꢗ#ꢋꢉ$ ꢓꢘꢒꢛꢉꢍꢎ#"ꢊꢋꢊꢈꢛꢉꢊ&ꢌꢉꢐꢑꢘ'ꢌꢉꢓꢘꢐ#ꢊ0ꢖꢖ&ꢌ-ꢉ=ꢍꢎꢏꢕꢑꢗꢊꢗꢉ
ꢊꢋꢌꢉꢗꢍꢈꢏꢒꢉ$ꢗꢉꢊꢎꢉꢐꢖ ꢓ"ꢉꢈꢐꢊ"ꢉꢑ ꢈꢊꢚꢉꢍꢘ"ꢓꢗ ꢊꢈ ꢉꢑ ꢈꢉꢗꢘꢗ. #ꢊ ꢓꢒꢉꢎꢐ#ꢚꢈ-ꢉ>0ꢌꢉꢊꢎꢉꢐꢖ ꢓ"ꢉ%ꢘ.ꢗ ꢉ#ꢗꢉ
ꢗꢍꢈꢏꢒꢉ$ꢗꢉꢊꢈꢉ$0ꢊ ꢈ3ꢉꢊꢈꢉ(%ꢘ ꢈꢉꢓꢖꢍ3ꢉꢙꢗꢍꢖꢕꢌꢗꢊꢗꢉꢊꢋꢌꢉꢍꢗꢘ ꢎ(ꢒꢉ$ꢗꢉꢌꢗꢘ"ꢉꢑ ꢈꢉꢊꢎꢐꢖ0( #ꢊꢎꢌꢉ?8ꢉ
ꢖꢗꢍꢊ0ꢉꢓꢈ ꢉ#ꢐ$2ꢎꢐꢖꢗꢐꢊꢗꢚꢊꢗꢉ%ꢌꢈꢉꢑ ꢈꢊꢘ"ꢉꢈꢌꢉꢓ0ꢍꢎ ꢈꢉ#ꢐ$ꢍꢊ'$ꢈꢊꢈꢉꢗꢍ $%ꢌꢎꢐꢌꢉ$ꢗꢊ0ꢉꢊꢎꢉ
ꢍꢖꢕ# $ꢎ-
Elektrik çarpmasý tehlikesinden kaçýnmak için:
Cihaz, elektrik baðlantýsý için topraklanmýþ fiþli bir elektrik kablosuyla birlikte
Elektrik kablosunun fiþi, elektrik ve toprak baðlantýlarý usulüne uygun olarak yapýlmýþ
bir prize takýlmalýdýr.
Bu cihazýn baðlanacaðý diðer tüm cihazlar da elektrik ve toprak baðlantýlarý usulüne
uygun olarak yapýlmýþ prize takýlmýþ olmalýdýr.
Kapaklarý çýkarmayýnýz.
Bu cihazda elektriði açma-kapama düðmesi yoktur. Monitörün elektrikle baðlantýsýný
kesmek için fiþini prizden çekmeniz gereklidir. Priz, kolayca eriþilebilecek bir yerde
Bu cihazý elektriksel fýrtýna sýrasýnda prize takmayýnýz veya prizden çýkarmayýnýz.
Daima monitörünüzle birlikte gönderilen elektrik adaptörünü kullanýnýz.
Bu cihazý taþýrken dikkatli olunuz.
Panel yatay konumda çalýþtýrýlmamalýdýr.
LCD ekranýn içindeki floresan lamba az miktarda (50 mg’den az) cýva içerir. Çevre
kirlenmesine meydan vermemek için bu ürün þehir çöplüðüne atýlmamalýdýr. Yerel
yönetmeliklerde belirtilen þekilde yok edilmelidir.
LCD ekran birimi camdan yapýlmýþtýr ve özenle taþýnmadýðý ya da düþürüldüðü
takdirde kýrýlabilir. Bu, bazý durumlarda az miktarda sývý kristal maddesinin açýða
çýkmasýna neden olabilir. Bu madde tahriþ edici olduðu için ona dokunmayýnýz. Bu
madde cildinize, ellerinize vb temas ederse, etkilenen yer 15 dakika akar su altýnda
yýkanmalýdýr; yýkadýktan sonra da belirtiler devam ederse týbbi yardým istenmelidir.
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Workplace Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Lifting the Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Working Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Connecting your Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Switching on the Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Adjusting the Monitor Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Caring for your Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Configuring your Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Automatic Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Monitor Information Diskette for Windows 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Auto Setup for the PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Auto Setup for DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Auto Setup for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Auto Setup OS/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Auto Setup for the RS/6000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Auto Setup for AIXwindows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Auto Setup for the Gt3i, GXT150, or GXT150L Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Auto Setup for the GXT150M Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Auto Setup for the GT4, GT4X, GT4I, or GT4XI Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Auto Setup for the GXT150P (RS/6000 Model 40P) Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Auto Setup for the Sun Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Auto Setup for the HP Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Manual Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Quick Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
User controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Front of screen controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
On-screen display (OSD) controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Further Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Supported Screen Addressability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Default Preset Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Video Adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Adapters for RS/6000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
PC Video Adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Video Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Hardware Requirements
This Monitor requires a computer with a suitable on-board sub-system or Video Adapter card that can
support SXGA 1280 x 1024 at 75 Hz.
Workplace Preparation
Positioning the Monitor
This section gives advice
on what you should
consider before you set up your
Choose a suitable place to position the monitor where it is not near
fluorescent desk lighting. Ensure that the furniture or equipment can support
the weight of the monitor. Allow at least 2 inches (50mm) ventilation space
around the monitor.
The monitor should be positioned so that the top of the screen is slightly
below your eye level when you sit at your workstation.
Choose a position that gives the least reflection from lights and windows,
usually at a right angle to any windows. The monitor should be positioned
directly in front of you so that you do not have to twist your body to use it. Tilt
the monitor to a comfortable viewing angle.
Lifting the Monitor
Hold the bottom of the screen with both hands in the positions shown.
Do not support the
monitor within the
screen area. The Liquid
Crystal Display is glass and
can be damaged by rough
handling or excessive
Working Practices
Take regular breaks. Vary your posture, stand up and stretch occasionally as
prolonged use of computer workstations can be tiring.
This section gives advice
on how you can work
You should sit back in your chair and use the backrest.
comfortably and reduce fatigue.
Use a light touch on the keyboard, keeping your hands and fingers relaxed.
Allow a space in front of the keyboard to rest your wrists when not typing.
Consider using a wristpad.
Working with monitors, in common with any prolonged close work, can be
visually demanding. Look away from the screen periodically and have your
eyesight checked regularly.
Screen settings
Set the screen brightness and contrast to a comfortable level. You may have
to adjust this as the lighting changes during the day. Many application
programs let you select color combinations which can help you to view in
Connecting your Monitor
Be sure to read the
‘Safety Information’ at
the front of this User Guide
before carrying out this
1. With the monitor standing vertically and at it’s greatest height, remove
the cable cover at the rear of the monitor.
2. Turn off your PC and all attached devices.
3. Plug the video interface cable into the socket marked
on your
4. Connect the red, green and blue interface cables into the connectors of
the same color on the monitor. Position the ends of the cables in front of
the connectors, as shown. Plug the cables into the connectors and push
and twist the ends of the cables until they are firmly locked to the
If power-saving function is
required, but the system
unit does not support power
management, then an optional
Keyboard/Mouse Y-cable (P/N:
03L7924) can be purchased
which allows access to this
function within the monitor.
5. If your cable has five connectors, connect the H-Sync (black) interface
cable to connection 1, and connect the V-Sync (white) interface cable to
connector 2.
6. Connect the AC Adapter as shown.
7. Slide the cable cover up to fit it into the monitor while depressing the
parts at A , and make sure that they are hooked in to the monitor
Be careful not to pinch the
video signal cable into
between the rear cover and the
cable cover
8. Connect the power cord to the AC Adapter.
9. Connect the other end of the power cord to a correctly grounded AC
power source.
Switching on the Monitor
Switch on the power source and PC. To turn on the monitor, push and
release the power switch. To switch it off, push and release the power switch
Adjusting the Monitor Position
Viewing Angle
You can tilt the screen backward or rotate the monitor to the left or right, as
shown below.
To adjust the height of the screen, push and hold the adjustment button on
the rear of the monitor with one hand, and raise or lower the screen with the
other hand.
Do not insert your finger in
the gap at section A . It
may get nipped when you lift the
monitor screen.
Caring for your Monitor
Be sure to turn off the power before you perform any maintenance on the
monitor. Clean your monitor as follows:
Gently wipe the device covers and the screen with a soft cloth.
Do not use chemicals such as thinner or benzene. They may damage the
surface coating.
Configuring your Monitor
Automatic Setup
The Setup Utility included
When you first use your monitor you must perform Automatic (auto) Setup.
on the setup option
diskettes are for displaying
color-bar patterns. They do not
replace or modify the display
This procedure sets up your monitor to process the video signals from your
computer without image discoloration or flicker. After you perform auto setup,
the settings are stored and used each time you turn on the monitor.
The automatic setup
instructions require the
monitor to be warmed up for 15
minutes. This is not required for
normal operation.
Before you begin
Check the type of computer the monitor is connected to and turn to the
appropriate page as shown in the table below.
Type of Computer
Turn to ...
Auto Setup for the PC on page 10
Auto Setup for the RS/6000 on page 14
Sun Workstation
Auto Setup for the Sun Workstation on
page 24
HP Workstation
Auto Setup for the HP Workstation on
page 26
Monitor Information Diskette for Windows 95
To utilise the Plug and Play feature in Windows 95, files should be loaded
from the IBM Color LCD Monitor Installation diskette as follows :
This section must be
completed before
continuing with the
Windows 95Auto Setup on
page 12.
1. Turn off the computer and all attached devices.
2. Ensure that the IBM monitor that you wish to install is connected
3. Power on the monitor and then the system unit. Allow the system to
boot into Windows 95.
4. Open the DISPLAY PROPERTIES window by clicking on START,
SETTINGS, CONTROL PANEL and then double clicking on the
5. Click on the SETTINGS tab.
6. Click the CHANGE DISPLAY TYPE button.
7. Click CHANGE MONITOR TYPE button.
8. Insert the Monitor Information diskette into drive A: and click the HAVE
DISK button.
9. Click ‘OK’.
On LCD monitors, unlike
CRTs, a faster refresh rate
does not improve display
quality. IBM recommends using
a refresh rate of 60Hz non-
10. Choose IBM 9516 monitor and click OK. The files will be copied from
the diskette.
11. Close all open windows and remove the diskette.
12. Reboot the system.
The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and
corresponding Colour Matching Profiles.
Auto Setup for the PC
Check the operating system installed on your PC and follow the instructions
from the table below.
Before carrying out
this section it is very
important that The Monitor
Information Diskette for
Windows 95 and Windows
98 has been run. (See
page 9).
First follow auto
setup on ....
Then follow auto
set-up on ....
Operating System
page 11
page 11
page 11
page 11
page 11
Windows 3.1
Windows 95
page 12
page 12
page 12
page 13
Windows NT
Operating System/2 (OS/2)
If your PC does not run
with the setup option
diskettes shipped with the
monitor, refer to Quick Setup
on page 29.
Before you begin the auto setup for your PC :
1. Make a backup copy of the setup option diskettes supplied with the
2. Make sure the PC's video mode is set in the range of the supported
screen resolution shown in the table on page 38.
3. Perform the auto setup for each screen mode you use.
Auto Setup for DOS
1. Turn on the monitor first; then the PC.
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
may automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
that the video interface cable is connected properly.
the correct video adapter card is installed (see Video Adapters on page
the correct supported display mode is selected for your PC.
If you are using PC-DOS/V,
change to U.S. mode by
typing ‘CHEV US’ and pressing
ENTER at the command prompt.
2. Wait approximately 15 minutes, until the monitor warms up.
3. Insert the diskette labelled ‘ Setup Option Diskette (for DOS / Windows /
Windows NT)’ into the diskette drive.
4. Display the command prompt screen of the DOS full-screen display:
If Windows is installed, open the DOS prompt from the Program
Manager to display the DOS full-screen.
If the screen flickers,
repeat the setup several
times until the flicker is
minimised, or adjust it manually
by following Manual Setup on
page 28.
If OS/2 is installed, open the DOS full-screen display from the
command prompt of OS/2.
If only DOS is installed, the command prompt is displayed when the
system is started.
5. At the command prompt, type ‘A:’ and press ENTER.
6. Type ‘TESTPATD’ and press ENTER. The color-bar pattern appears.
7. Wait until the PRESS [ENTER] KEY message is displayed.
8. Press ENTER to continue the auto setup procedure.
9. The AUTO SETUP line changes to COMPLETED when auto setup is
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the manual setup on page 28.
10. Type ‘Exit’ at the command prompt to return to Windows.
Now continue the setup for your operating system:
Auto Setup for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT on page 12
Auto Setup OS/2 on page 13
Auto Setup for Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT
Continued from Auto Setup for DOS on page 11
11 Drag the icon bar and tool bar, if they are displayed, to the bottom of the
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
may automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
12. Insert the diskette labelled ‘ Setup Option Diskette (for DOS / Windows /
Windows NT)’ into the diskette drive.
13. Check the operating system installed on your PC and follow the
instructions from the table below
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Windows 3.1
click on File
click on run
Windows NT
click on File
click on run
click on Start
click on Run
click on Run
Windows 95
click on Start
Windows NT
The size and diversity of the
color pattern varies with the
screen resolution.
14. The color-bar pattern appears and auto setup starts.
15. Position the mouse pointer at the bottom center of the screen. This
allows auto setup to run properly.
If the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust it
manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
16. The AUTO SETUP line changes to COMPLETED when auto setup is
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
17. Press ALT+F4 to exit auto setup.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup OS/2
Continued from Auto Setup for DOS on page 11
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
may automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
11 If the WarpCenter Toolbar is permanently on, click the right mouse
button on the WarpCenter Toolbar, click on Properties, Display Tab and
‘Show only when mouse in center position’.
12. Insert the diskette labelled ‘ Setup Option Diskette (for OS/2)’ into the
diskette drive.
13. Open the OS/2 full-screen window or an OS/2 window.
14. At the command prompt type A: and press ENTER.
15. Type TESTPATS and press ENTER.
16. After approximately 1 minute, the color-bar pattern appears.
17. Move the mouse pointer (and the icon bar and tool bar if they are
displayed) to the bottom center of the screen to allow setup to run
The size and diversity of
the color pattern varies with
the screen resolution.
18. The AUTO SETUP line changes to COMPLETED when auto setup is
completed after 10 to 20 seconds.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
19. Press ALT+F4 to exit auto setup.
If the screen flickers,
repeat the setup several
times until the flicker is
minimised, or adjust it manually
by following Manual Setup on
page 28.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup for the RS/6000
If you are running AIXwindows on the RS/6000, go to Auto Setup for
AIXwindows on page 15. Otherwise, check the following table for the type of
Video Adapter used with the RS/6000:
If you are using a Video
Adapter other than those in
the table, the setup option
diskettes will not run on your RS/
6000 (See Quick Setup on page
Video Adapter Type
Auto Setup for AIXwindows on
GXT150P (RS/6000 Model 43P)
page 15
Auto Setup for AIXwindows on
GXT 1000
page 15
Auto Setup for AIXwindows on
page 15
If the screen resolution in
the video signal on your
RS/6000 is not 1280×1024, the
setup option diskettes will not
run on your RS/6000 (See
Quick Setup on page 29).
Auto Setup for the Gt3i, GXT150,
or GXT150L Adapter on page 16
Auto Setup for the GXT150M
Adapter on page 18
(for AIX 3.2 Version and
Auto Setup for the GT4, GT4X,
GT4I, or GT4XI Adapter on page 20
GT4 (24 bit)
GT4X (8 bit)
GT4X (24 bit)
GT4I (24 bit)
GT4XI (8 bit)
GT4XI (24 bit)
Auto Setup for the GXT150P (RS/
6000 Model 40P) Adapter on page
(RS/6000 Model 40P)
Auto Setup for AIXwindows
1. Turn on the monitor, then the RS/6000. The screen remains blue until
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
might automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
the system is ready.
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
that the video interface cable is connected properly.
the correct video adapter card is installed (see page 40).
the correct supported display mode is selected for your PC.
2. When the AIX desktop login screen is displayed, login as the root user,
and start the common desktop environment (CDE) from the AIX
command prompt. Type XINIT and press ENTER.
3. Wait for about 15 minutes, until the monitor warms up.
4. Start the terminal emulator. To start, click on the SUBPANEL BUTTON
on the text editor control
on the front panel, and then select
5. Type ‘cd /’ from the command prompt of the terminal emulator, and
press ENTER.
6. Type ‘df -k’ and press ENTER. Make sure that there is at least 60 KB of
free space in the root directory.
7. Insert the diskette labelled “Setup Option Diskette (for AIXwindows)” into
the diskette drive. Type ‘tar -xvf /dev/fd0’ and press ENTER.
If the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust
it manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
8. Type ‘./xcolorbar’ and press ENTER.
If ‘CAN’T ALLOCATE COLOR’ is displayed :
Stop other programs.
Enter the commands in step 7 again.
Type ./xcolorbar and press Enter.
If, after a few seconds, the setup main menu appears and starts
automatically, go to step 12. If it does not appear and start automatically, go
to the next step.
9. The Auto Setup starts.
10. The messages are automatically displayed in the following sequence:
‘OFF-READY- START-COMPLETED’ and auto setup is complete.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup for the Gt3i, GXT150, or GXT150L Adapter
1. Turn on the monitor, then the RS/6000. The screen remains blue until
the system is ready.
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
may automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
that the video interface cable is connected properly.
the correct video adapter card is installed (see page 40).
the correct supported display mode is selected for your PC.
2. When the AIX desktop login screen is displayed, login as the root user,
and start the common desktop environment (CDE) from the AIX
command prompt. Type ‘diag’ and press ENTER.
3. Wait for about 15 minutes, until the monitor warms up.
4. Press ENTER to display the Function Selection menu. Move the cursor
5. Press Enter. The Service Aids Selection menu appears.
6. Press PAGEDOWN to display the second page of the menu. Move the
7. Press ENTER and move the cursor and select the connected VIDEO
8. Press ENTER and move the cursor to THE COLOR-BAR PATTERN.
9. Press ENTER and ENTER again to display the color-bar pattern.
If ‘CAN’T ALLOCATE COLOR’ is displayed :
Stop other programs.
Enter the commands in step 7 again.
Type ./xcolorbar and press Enter.
If, after a few seconds, the setup main menu appears and starts
automatically, go to step 12. If it does not appear and start automatically, go
to the next step.
10. Press the Setup Switch on the back of the monitor and the setup main
menu appears in front of the color-bar.
11. Push one of the contrast
control buttons. The messages are
If the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust
it manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
automatically displayed in the following sequence : ‘OFF-READY-
START-COMPLETED’ and auto setup is complete.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
12. Press F3 to exit the color-bar pattern.
13. Press the Setup Switch on the back of the monitor to turn off the setup
main menu.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup for the GXT150M Adapter
For AIX 3.2 Version and Later
1. Turn on the monitor, then the RS/6000. The screen remains blue until
the system is ready.
If you are using more than
one GXT150M Video
Adapter - select the display with
the following AIX commands, and
then perform steps 5 to end. The
x indicates the number of the
adapter that displays the test
pattern - chdisp -tx and dhdisp -
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
that the video interface cable is connected properly.
the correct video adapter card is installed (see page 40)
the correct supported display mode is selected for your PC.
2. When the AIX desktop login screen is displayed, log in as the root user,
type ‘lslpp -h > /tmp/ptfcheck’ from the AIX command prompt, and
press ENTER.
3. Open the ‘/tmp/ptfcheck’ file with an editor or other tool. In the ‘/tmp/
ptfcheck’ file, decide whether to apply the newest GXT150M PTF,
based on the following conditions :
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
might automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
If the file does not include lines a, b, or c (not counting XX) : Do not
apply the PTF.
If the file does include lines a, b, or c (not counting XX), but there is
also an added line : Do not apply the PTF.
If the file includes lines a, b, or c (not counting XX), and if there is no
added line : Apply the PTF.
4. Type ‘rm -f /tmp/ptfcheck’ and press ENTER.
5. Type ‘cd /’ and press ENTER.
6. Type ‘df ’ and press ENTER. Make sure that there is at least 60 KB of
free space in the root directory.
7. Insert the diskette labelled “Setup Option Diskette (for GXT150M)” into
the diskette drive. Type ‘tar -xvf /dev/rfd0’ and press ENTER.
8. Type ‘./colorbar’ and press ENTER.
9. Press ENTER. The color-bar pattern is displayed on the screen. Make
sure that the monitor warms up (or more than 15 minutes have passed
since you turned on the monitor).
10. Press the Setup Switch on the back of the monitor and the setup main
menu appears in front of the color-bar pattern.
11. Push one of the contrast
control buttons.
12. The messages are automatically displayed in the following sequence :
‘OFF-READY- START-COMPLETED’ and auto setup is complete.
f the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust
it manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
13. Press F3 to exit the color-bar pattern.
14. Press the Setup Switch on the back of the monitor to turn off the setup
main menu.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup for the GT4, GT4X, GT4I, or GT4XI Adapter
1. Turn on the monitor, then the RS/6000. The screen remains blue until
the system is ready.
If you cannot see the login
prompt, adjust the
brightness and contrast.
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
that the video interface cable is connected properly.
the correct video adapter card is installed (see page 40).
the correct supported display mode is selected for your PC.
2. When the AIX desktop login screen is displayed, login as the root user,
type ‘diag’ from the AIX command prompt, and press ENTER.
3. Wait for about 15 minutes, until the monitor warms up.
4. Press ENTER to display the Function Selection menu. Move the cursor
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
may automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
5. Press ENTER. The Service Aids Selection menu appears.
6. Press PAGEDOWN to display the second page of the menu. Move the
7. Press ENTER and move the cursor and select the connected VIDEO
8. Press ENTER and move the cursor to THE COLOR-BAR PATTERN.
9. Press ENTER and ENTER again to display the color-bar pattern.
10. Press the Setup Switch on the back of the monitor and the setup main
menu appears in front of the color-bar pattern.
11. Press one of the contrast
control buttons. The messages are
If the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust
it manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
automatically displayed in the following sequence :
‘OFF-READY- START-COMPLETED’ and auto setup is complete.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, repeat the auto setup
procedure several times. If auto setup continues to fail, complete the Manual
Setup on page 28.
12. Press F3 to exit the color-bar pattern.
13. Type CLEAR at the AIX command prompt and press ENTER to perform
setup on black level.
14. Push one of the brightness
control buttons and select the item
15. Push one of the contrast
control buttons. After about 10 seconds,
the message ‘SAVE PARAMETERS?’ is displayed.
If 'BLACK SETUP FAILED’ is displayed - if the message ‘SAVE
PARAMETERS?’ is not displayed or BLACK SETUP does not start, do the
following :
Confirm that the screen is completely black except for the command
prompt. If not, type ‘clear’ and press ENTER.
Go back to step 15 and redo black setup.
If black setup is not completed after several tries, adjust OFFSET R, OFFSET G,
OFFSET B (see Specialist Controls on page 33).
16. To save the settings for the monitor, push a contrast control
To discard the settings, push one of the brightness control button.
17. Press the Setup Switch on the back of the monitor to turn off the setup
main menu.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup for the GXT150P (RS/6000 Model 40P) Adapter
1. Insert the ‘IBM RISC System/6000 Model 40P, System Management
Service Diskette’ into drive A of the RS/6000 Model 40P Adapter. Turn
on the power.
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
that the video interface cable is connected properly.
the correct video adapter card is installed (see page 40)
the correct supported display mode is selected for your PC.
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
may automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
2. When the Power Personal System panel is displayed, press F4. The
screen remains blue until the system is ready.
3. From the main menu of System Management Service, select ‘Test The
Computer’. Then press ENTER.
4. Wait for about 15 minutes, until the monitor warms up.
5. In the Select Device Test menu, push the spacebar to erase the mark
displayed with ‘Test All Subsystems’. Use the ↓ key to place the cursor
on GTP150P. Push the spacebar to select GXT150P. Then press F6.
6. Use the ↓ key to select ‘Run Monitor Service Aids’ in the IBM GXT150P
Video Adapter menu. Press ENTER.
7. When GXT150P Information is displayed, press ENTER.
8. When the color-bar pattern is displayed, push the setup switch on the
back of the monitor. The setup main menu appears on top of the color-
bar pattern.
9. Press one of the contrast
control buttons. The messages are
automatically displayed in the following sequence : ‘OFF-READY-
START-COMPLETED’ and auto setup is complete.
10. Press the setup switch on the back of the monitor to turn off the setup
main menu.
If the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust
it manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
11. Press ENTER to exit the color-bar pattern. GXT150P Information is
displayed again.
12. Press ENTER. The entire screen is displayed in red. Press ENTER.
13. Press ENTER six times. Make sure the entire screen is displayed in the
following sequence:
Green → blue → white → black → 8× 6 grid pattern → 8× 10 grid
14. When GXT150P Information is displayed, press ENTER.
15. When the IBM GXT150P Video Adapter menu is displayed, press ESC.
16. When the Test Completed message is displayed, press ENTER.
17. When Select Device to Test is displayed, press ESC to exit.
18. When the System Management Service panel is displayed, press F3.
19. Select Reboot.
20. Remove the diskette from drive A.
21. When “Do you want to restart the computer?” is displayed, select YES
and press ENTER.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup for the Sun Workstation
If you use OpenWindows with the screen resolution 1280×1024, perform auto
setup as follows. Otherwise, perform Quick Setup on page 29
The screen resolution 1280
×1024 is available in some
Sun video cards. When you use
such a card, change the standard
screen resolution from 1152x900
1. Set the screen resolution to 1280×1024. Refer to your Sun workstation
manuals, Open Windows manuals, or online help to set the mode.
2. Turn on the monitor. Turn on the Sun workstation.
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
check that the video interface cable is connected properly.
The screen resolution and the vertical frequency of Sun workstation are
within the supported screen resolutions in the table on page Supported
Screen Addressability. If not, refer to your Sun workstation manuals,
Windows manuals, or online help to set the resolution and frequency to the
values of the table.
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
might automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
3. Log in as the root user. If you start the system from the command
prompt, start the Open Windows after login.
4. Wait for about 15 minutes, until the monitor warms up.
It may be necessary to
attach a CRT monitor until
the video adapter has been set
up to a supported video mode.
If the terminal emulator in the command prompt window has not started
yet, start the emulator.
6. Type ‘cd /’ from the command prompt of the terminal emulator, and
press ENTER.
7. Insert the diskette labelled ‘Setup Option Diskette (for Solaris)’ into the
Sun workstation's diskette drive A.
8. Type ‘tar -xvf /dev/fd0’ and press ENTER.
9. Type ‘./xcolorbar’ and press ENTER.
If ‘CAN’T ALLOCATE COLOR’ is displayed :
Stop other programs.
Enter the commands in step 7 again.
Type ./xcolorbar and press Enter.
10. When the color-bar pattern appears, push the setup switch on the back
of the monitor. The setup main menu appears on top of the color-bar
11. Push one of the contrast
control buttons.
12. The messages are automatically displayed in the following sequence :
OFF-READY-START-COMPLETED’ and auto setup is complete. The
screen might be distorted during setup. This is not a problem.
If the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust
it manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
13. The color-bar pattern appears. The colors must be bright and clear.
14. There is no interference in the upper low frequency section, and the
boundary between black and white is clear.
15. Press any key to exit the color-bar pattern.
16. Push the setup switch on the back of the monitor to turn off the setup
main menu.
You have completed the monitor setup.
Auto Setup for the HP Workstation
1. Turn on the power of the monitor, then the workstation.
The device names ‘fd0’ may
vary by workstation model.
You can list the device names by
typing ‘ls /dev/floppy/’ and
pressing RETURN.
If the message UNSUPPORTED VIDEO is displayed, or if nothing is displayed
check that the video interface cable is connected properly.
The screen resolution and the vertical frequency of the HP Sun workstation
are within the supported screen resolutions in the table page 38 Supported
Screen Addressability. If not, refer to your HP workstation manuals,
Windows manuals, or online help to set the resolution and frequency to the
values of the table.
2. Login as a route user.
The standard commands of
uncompress and xwud are
needed to run this shell script.
3. Wait about 15 minutes until the workstation reaches the normal
operating temperature.
4. If the terminal emulator (command prompt window) has not yet started,
start it now.
5. Type ‘cd \’ at the terminal emulator command prompt and then press
6. Insert the diskette labelled ‘Setup Option Diskette (For HP)’ into the
diskette drive. Type ‘tar -xvf /dev/fd’ and press RETURN.
7. Type ‘./xcolorbar’ and press RETURN. The color-bar pattern appears.
8. Press the setup switch on the back of the monitor. The setup main
menu appears in front of the color-bar pattern.
9. Select AUTO SETUP and press the contrast button
. “OFF”
automatically changes to “READY” and then to “COMPLETED,” and
setup ends automatically. The screen might be distorted during setup.
This is not a problem.
If the screen flickers, repeat
the setup several times until
the flicker is minimised, or adjust
it manually by following Manual
Setup on page 28.
If “AUTO SETUP COMPLETED” is not displayed, or the “AUTO SETUP FAILED”
message appears, repeat the auto setup procedure several times. If auto setup
continues to fail, complete the Manual Setup on page 28.
10. Press the setup switch on the back of the monitor to exit the setup main
11. Press ‘q’ to end the color pattern.
12. Push the setup switch on the back of the monitor to turn off the setup
main menu.
13. Enter the following if you no longer need the files in the hard disk :
rm xbar.xwd
rm xcolorbar
You have completed the monitor setup.
Manual Setup
Normally, you can complete the setup procedure using auto setup. However,
if your screen image is still distorted after you perform auto setup, perform
manual setup.
If the monitor is in standby
mode (STANDBY ON), it
might automatically turn off while
you are waiting for it to warm up.
1. Wait for about 15 minutes, until the monitor warms up.
2. Display the image you most frequently use on the screen.
3. Push the setup switch on the back of the monitor.
4. Push one of the brightness
control buttons and select the item
CLOCK in Intermediate Controls on page 32. Then push one of the
control buttons to minimise the number of vertical lines on
the screen.
5. Push one of the brightness
control buttons, and select the item H-
POSI to adjust the horizontal display position. Likewise, select the item
V-POSI to adjust the vertical display position.
6. Push one of the brightness
PHASE, and adjust the contrast to reduce the distortion on the screen.
7. Select SAVE. Then push one of the contrast control buttons to save
control buttons and select the item
the settings. The color of the characters “SAVE” changes from red to
yellow, and back to red again.
8. Push the setup switch on the back of the monitor to exit the menu.
Quick Setup
This procedure does not display a color-bar pattern before the setup main
menu. To obtain better image quality, you should perform auto setup
according to the procedures on the preceding pages with the setup option
diskettes for PC-DOS, Window 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, OS/2, RS/
6000, AIXWindows, or OpenWindows on Sun Workstation (if the diskettes do
not run, perform this quick setup).
Check that the screen
resolution and the
frequencies are within the
Supported Screen
Addressability on page 38. If
not, change the settings on the
computer to set them within the
For the HP Workstation, if you are unable to perform auto-setup with the
diskettes, perform the quick setup without them.
You need a full screen
image to perform proper
auto setup. You also need a
clear contrast between the
brightest part of the screen and
the darkest for correct
1. Turn on the monitor and the System Unit and wait for about 15 minutes
until the machine warms up.
2. Start the operating system on the System Unit and display a full-screen
adjustment. Otherwise, the
screen may flicker.
3. Push the setup switch on the back of the monitor. The setup main menu
If the “Save Parameters?”
message is not displayed or
the auto setup value “START”
does not change, push the
contrast control button to exit
auto setup and go back to step 4.
Display another full-screen
image and redo auto setup. If
auto setup is not completed after
several tries, perform Manual
Setup on page 28.
If you are using a
workstation, the screen
appears greenish because the
black level is shifted due to the
difference of the voltage level of
the video signals. If this
happens, adjust OFFSET G in
the Specialist Controls on page
4. Push one of the brightness control
5. Push one of the contrast control
buttons to select AUTO SETUP.
buttons. After about 10 seconds,
the message “Save parameters?” is displayed.
6. To save the settings for the monitor, push a contrast control
To discard the settings (because some problem such as a screen flicker
occurs), push a brightness control button.
7. If, after you save the settings, the display is still distorted, adjust
“PHASE” and “CLOCK” in Manual Setup on page 28.
8. Push the setup switch on the back of the monitor to turn off the setup
main menu.
User controls
Front of screen controls
The front of screen user controls allow the user to turn the monitor on and off,
adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor to meet the users
preferences, and also to gain access to intermediate and advanced On-
Screen Display Controls.
Power Switch
Switches the monitor on and off
Power Indicator
Standby indicator
Contrast Control
Green Light
Green Light
Adjust contrast between
foreground and background
Brightness Control
Adjusts background brightness
On-screen display (OSD) controls
To display the OSD, press the setup switch on the back of the monitor as shown.
There are eight menus within the OSD. These menus contain the following functions which can be divided
into four levels of adjustment : basic, intermediate, advanced and specialised. The final menu
“Information” gives the user information regarding their monitor.
Basic Controls
Effect of
Menu 1 of 8
‘AUTO SETUP - OFF’ is displayed. Start auto
setup. ‘START’-’COMPLETED’ are displayed in
sequence until auto setup is complete.
Menu 2 of 8
OFF, 5 to 60
Set the number of minutes the monitor is out of use
before automatically entering the power-saving
mode. Specify OFF if you do not use this function.
Intermediate Controls
Effect of
Menu 3 of 8
Menu 3 of 8
+........MHz......- Adjust this parameter to suppress the display of
vertical stripes.
0..................23 When there are visual noises on the edges of
characters and graphics, adjust this parameter to
suppress the noise.
Menu 6 of 8
Menu 6 of 8
Menu 7 of 8
Moves image left or right.
Moves image up or down.
Use this parameter to restore all the values to the
orginal settings when the monitor was shipped.
Advanced Controls
Effect of
Menu 6 of 8
Menu 6 of 8
Adjusts image width.
Adjusts image height.
To display a screen with resolution less than
1280×1024 (the optimum resolution of the monitor),
select the optimum size you want by specifying one
of the following :
Menu 3 of 8
ON / OFF /
ON: Displays a full screen. This is the normal
OFF: Displays the screen specified by your PC.
USER: Enables you to set the screen size by
specifying H-size and V-size. This setting can be
set and saved for each screen resolution.
Menu 3 of 8
Menu 1 of 8
0................255 Adjust to eliminate some of the high frequency
noise in the video signal.
For DOS, Windows, OS/2, or AIX windows, to
enable auto setup to start automatically, specify ON.
This is the normal setting.
Specialist Controls
Effect of
Menu 4 of 8
Menu 4 of 8
Menu 4 of 8
Menu 5 of 8
0................255 Adjusts the red hue level of the screen.
0................255 Adjusts the green hue level of the screen.
0................255 Adjusts the blue hue level of the screen.
0................255 When there is red noise on the black part of the
screen, adjust this parameter to suppress it.
Menu 5 of 8
Menu 5 of 8
0................255 When there is green noise on the black part of the
screen, adjust this parameter to suppress it.
0................255 When there is blue noise on the black part of the
screen, adjust this parameter to suppress it.
To adjust the black level of the screen during auto
Menu 1 of 8
setup if the monitor is used with the RS/6000 and
GT4 Adapter, select this item. This only works with
the screen resolution 1280×1024.
Menu 8 of 8
The frequency of the video signal (horizontal sync
signal) from your PC (KHz).
Menu 8 of 8
Menu 8 of 8
The frequency of the video signal (vertical sync signal,
or refresh rate) from your PC (Hz).
The polarity of the video signal from your PC.
H stands for the horizontal sync signal, and V stands for
the vertical sync signal.
Menu 8 of 8
Menu 8 of 8
Menu 8 of 8
The type of the video signal from your PC.
The resolution of the video signal from your PC.
The version number of the control program installed in
the monitor.
If you suspect something is not working correctly, you should :
1. Turn on the computer and monitor.
2. Set the brightness
control to the proper position.
3. Ensure that all cables are securely connected.
The LCD contains over
3,900,000 thin-film
4. Disable standby mode if it is enabled. Push the setup switch on the
back of the monitor to determine whether standby mode is enabled.
transistors (TFTs). A small
number of missing, discolored, or
lighted dots may be present on
the screen, which is an intrinsic
characteristic of the TFT LCD
technology and is not an LCD
5. Disable the computer's screen saver program if it is enabled.
6. Run the auto setup procedure described in Configuring your Monitor
on page 8
7. If there is screen noise, adjust the PHASE parameter in the
Intermediate Controls on page 32.
8. Adjust the CLOCK parameter in the Intermediate Controls on page 32
to suppress the display of vertical stripes.
9. If you are using an RS/6000 with composite output function, do not
specify ‘DPMS’ to the STANDBY parameter in the Basic Controls on
page 31.
10. To restore all the auto setup settings to the original values in effect when
the monitor was shipped, perform SYSTEM RESET in the Intermediate
Controls on page 32, or press each minus button of the brightness and
the contrast control simultaneously and turn on the monitor. Both LED
indicators turn on and off, and all settings are restored.
11. Set the screen mode to the Supported Screen Addressability in the
table on page 38.
12. Perform AUTO SETUP for each display mode (each screen resolution).
13. On this monitor, different from a CRT, faster refresh rate does not make
the screen quality better. Using the monitor with a refresh rate of 60 Hz
with noninterlace is recommended.
Further Help
If you are unable to correct the problem yourself, you may seek further help
as follows:
In the US call 1-800-772-2227
In Canada call 1-800-565-3344
In other countries contact your dealer, retailer, or other IBM authorized
Before calling, please have available as much of the following information as
1. Model and serial number from the label on the front of your monitor.
2. Purchase receipt.
3. Description of problem.
4. Computer type and model.
If possible, stay by your
computer. Your Technical
Support Representative may wish
to go through the problem with
you during the call.
5. System configuration (hardware fitted, etc.).
6. System BIOS version number.
7. Operating System and version number.
8. Display driver version number.
RGB input connector
BNC jack
Video input impedance (RGB)
Video amplification
75 ohms
0.7V p-p , 1.0V p-p (composite)
Input voltage (AC Adapter)
100 to 127 V rms 50/60 Hz
200 to 240 V rms 50/60 Hz
Power dissipation (max)
55 W
8 W
Power dissipation (in power-off
Some types of composite
sync signals are not
Sync Signal Type
The following Sync signal types are supported :
Separate sync (TTL level).
Sync on green *.
Composite sync (TTL level).
* Horizontal sync pulses must not be suppressed during the vertical sync
Supported Screen Addressability
The following table shows the supported screen resolutions :
The input signal to this
monitor should correspond
with the screen resolutions,
Hsync frequencies and Vsync
frequencies shown in the table.
Screen Resolution
Vsync (Hz)
(H × V)
640 × 350 (NI)
640 × 400 (NI)
640 × 480 (NI)
720 × 350 (NI)
720 × 400 (NI)
800 × 600 (NI)
800 × 600 (I)
30 – 40
69 – 88
55 – 88
59 – 120
69 – 88
55 – 88
55 – 120
43 – 50
73 – 75
59 – 100
40 – 50
45 – 50
30 – 40
30 – 66
30 – 40
30 – 40
34 – 76
30 – 40
48 – 50
48 – 80
30 – 40
40 – 60
832 mode
832 × 624 (NI)
1024 × 768 (NI)
1024 × 768 (I)
1152 × 864 (I)
1152 × 882 (I)
1152 × 864 (NI)
1152 × 870 (NI)
1152 × 882 (NI)
40 – 60
60 – 90
60 – 90
60 – 90
45 – 50
60 – 90
60 – 90
60 – 90
SUN and others
1152 × 900 (NI)
1280 ×1024 (I)
1280 × 1024 (NI)
60 – 90
40 – 60
64 – 80
60 – 90
40 – 50
60 – 75
(NI): Noninterlaced (I): Interlaced
The resolutions shown in bold characters (1152x864, 870, 882) are
displayed with 1152x900.
All values in this table assume a video frequency of 135 MHz or less.
Default Preset Timing
The monitor retains the following timing parameters for ‘Clock’, ‘Hsync’,
‘Vsync’ and “Total Dots’ as default values. The monitor automatically selects
the corresponding values to the video signal from your PC.
The Hsync and Vsync
frequencies in this table are
not the only ones to be
displayed. Refer to the table on
page 38 for the supported
frequencies. The parameters
that you set through AUTO
SETUP are saved in the monitor
memory. Up to 25 user settings
can be stored.
Horiz x Vert
Clock MHz)
Hsync (KHz)
Vsync (Hz)
Total Dots (HxV)
800 × 449
640 × 400
640 × 480
800 × 525
720 × 400
900 × 449
640 × 480
832 × 520
640 × 480
840 × 500
640 × 480
864 × 525
800 × 600
1024 × 625
1056 × 628
1040 × 666
1056 × 625
1152 × 667
1264 × 817
1344 × 806
1328 × 806
1312 × 800
1376 × 808
1328 × 804
1448 × 9470
1456 × 916
1600 × 900
1456 × 915
1528 × 937
1504 × 937
1765 × 1057
1765 × 1057
1760 × 1056
1760 × 1056
1688 × 1066
1600 × 1149
1632 × 1067
1664 × 1066
800 × 600
800 × 600
800 × 600
832 × 624
1024 × 768 (I)
1024 × 768
1024 × 768
1024 × 768
1024 × 768
1024 × 768
1152 × 864 (I)
1152 × 864
1152 × 864
1152 × 870
1152 × 900
1152 × 900
1280 × 1024
1280 × 1024
1280 × 1024
1280 × 1024
1280 × 1024
1280 × 1024 (I)
1280 × 1024
1280 × 1024
(I): Interlace mode
39 Page 40 Friday, April 3, 1998 3:28 PM
Video Adapters
Adapters for RS/6000
The following are examples of Video Adapters for RS/6000 :
POWER Gt3i Video Adapter
Video Adapters
GXT150P Video Adapters
POWER GXT500, POWER GXT500D Video Adapters
POWER GXT1000 Video Adapter
POWER GXT110P Video Adapter
POWER GXT250P, POWER GXT255P Video Adapters
POWER GXT500P, POWER GXT550P Video Adapters
POWER GXT800P Video Adapter
E15/S15 Video Adapter
40 Page 41 Friday, April 3, 1998 3:28 PM
PC Video Adapters
The following are examples of Video Adapters for PCs :
#9 FX Motion 771 Video Adapter (Number Nine Visual Tec. Co.)
#9 Imagine 128 Pro Series 1 (Number Nine Visual Tec. Co.)
MGA Millenium 4 MB VRAM (Matrox Graphics Inc.)
MGA Mystique (Matrox Graphics Inc.)
PC750, PC720, PC330, Aptiva series, or other IBM PCs that have installed
the following video chips or the Millenium video cards manufactured by
Matrox Graphics Inc.
Cirrus GD5436
Cirrus GD5446
S3 Vision 864
S3 Trio 64V+
Trident 9680XGI
NEC PC-98 series only, which supports the mode of the 640×400 screen
resolution and the 31.5 KHz horizontal frequency.
41 Page 42 Friday, April 3, 1998 3:28 PM
Video Cables
For PC and Sun workstations:
Connector to
System Unit
Connector to
9516 Monitor
Part Number
15 pin D-Sub
For Sun
5 x BNC
Sun workstation Video cable for
5 x BNC or 4 x
For RS/6000:
to 9516
Feature Connector
Number to System
GT3/GT4 series
GXT150 series
42 Page I Friday, April 3, 1998 6:29 PM
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when
the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
resedential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user
will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Commission (FCC)
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in
order to meet FCC emission limits. IBM is not responsible for any radio or
television interference caused by using other than recommended cables and
connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment.
Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Power Cords
For your safety, IBM provides a power cord with a grounded attachment plug
to use with this IBM product. To avoid electrical shock, always use the power
cord and plug with a properly grounded power outlet.
IBM power cords used in the United States and Canada are listed by the
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and certified by the Canadian Standards
Association (CSA).
For units intended to be operated at 115 volts: Use a UL listed and CSA
certified cord set consisting of a minimum 18 AWG, type SVT or SJT, three
conductor cord, a maximum of 4.5 metres (15 feet) in length and a parallel
blade, grounding type attachment plug rated 15 amperes, 125 volts.
For units intended to be operated at 230 volts (U.S. use): Use a UL listed and
CSA certified cord set consisting of a
minimum 18 AWG, type SVT or SJT, three conductor cord, a maximum of 4.5
metres (15 feet) in length and a tandem blade, grounding type attachment
plug rated 15 amperes 250 volts.
I Page II Friday, April 3, 1998 6:29 PM
For units intended to be operated at 230 volts (outside the U.S.): Use a cord
set with a grounding type attachment plug rated 13 amperes (minimum), 250
volts. The cord set should be marked <HAR> and have the appropriate safety
approvals for the country in which the equipment will be installed.
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, IBM Corporation has determined that this
product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
This monitor complies with TCO’92 guidelines.
This product complies with Swedish National Council for Metrology (MPR)
standards issued in December 1990 (MPRII) for very low frequency (VLF)
and extremely low frequency (ELF).
Gemäß der Amtsblätter des BMPT Nm. 61/1991 und 6/1992 wird der
Betreiber darauf aufmerksam gemächt, daß die von ihm mit diesem Gerät
zusammengestellte Anlage auch den technischen Bestimmungen dieser
Amtsblätter genügen muß.
Aus ergonomischen Gründen wird empfohlen, die Grundfarbe Blau nicht auf
dunklem Untergrund zu verwenden (schlechte Erkennbarkeit,
Augenbelastung bei zu geringem Zeichenkontrast).
Aus ergonomischen Gründen sollten nur Darstellungen auf dunklem
Hintergrund bei Vertikalfrequenzen ab 60 Hz (ohne Zeilensprung) benutzt
Die Konvergenz des Bildes kann sich auf Grund des Magnetfeldes am Ort
der Aufstellung aus der korrekten Grundeinstellung verändern. Zur Korrektur
empfiehlt es sich deshalb, die Regler an der Frontseite für H STAT und V
STAT so einzustellen, daß die getrennt sichtbaren Farblinien für Rot. Grün
und Blau bei z.B. der Darstellung eines Buchstabens zur Deckung
(Konvergenz) gelangen. Siehe hierzu auch die Erklärungen zu H STAT und V
II Page III Friday, April 3, 1998 6:29 PM
Industry Canada
This Class A digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian
Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du
Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
European Union (EU)
This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A
Information Technology Equipment according to CISPR 22 / European
Standard EN 55022. The limits for Class A equipment were derived for
commercial and industrial environments to provide reasonable protection
against interference with licensed communication devices.
Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product
may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measures.
Properly shielded and grounded cables and connectors must be used in
order to reduce the potential for causing interference to radio and TV
communications and to other electrical or electronic equipment. Such cables
and connectors are available from IBM authorised dealers.
In accordance with EN 50082-1 1992, Performance Criterion A:, it should be
noted that in the presence of certain electromagnetic fields, some screen
jitter may be observed.
IBM de México, S.A.
IBM 9516-Bxx TFT LCD Color Monitor
Planta de Manufactura
IBM Japan, Ltd. Yasu
800, Ichimiyake, Yasu-cho, Yasu-gun
Shiga, 520-23
Hecho en Japon
Consumo de Corriente 1.5 A
Frecuencia de Operacion 50/60 Hz
Rension de Alimentacion 100 - 127 V, 200 - 240 V
III Page IV Friday, April 3, 1998 6:29 PM
USA., Canada and Puerto Rico Statement of Limited Warranty
The warranties provided by IBM in this Statement of Limited Warranty apply only to Machines
you originally purchase for your use and not for resale, from IBM or an IBM authorized reseller.
The term “Machine” means an IBM machine, its features, conversions, upgrades, elements, or
accessories, or any combination of them. Machines are subject to these terms only if purchased
in the United States or Puerto Rico, or Canada and located in the country of purchase. If you
have any questions, contact IBM or your reseller.
IBM 9516 LCD Color Monitors
3 Years
Warranty Period *:
Elements and accessories are warranted for three months.
Contact your place of purchase for warranty service information.
Production Status
Each Machine is manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts (which
perform like new parts). In some cases, the Machine may not be new and may have been
previously installed. Regardless of the Machine’s production status, IBM’s warranty terms apply.
The IBM Warranty
IBM warrants that each Machine 1) is free from defects in materials and workmanship and 2)
conforms to IBM’s Official Published Specifications. IBM calculates the expiration of the warranty
period from the Machine’s Date of Installation. The date on your receipt is the Date of
Installation, unless IBM or your reseller informs you otherwise.
During the warranty period, IBM or your reseller will provide warranty service under the type of
service designated for the Machine and will manage and install engineering changes that apply
to the Machine. IBM or your reseller will specify the type of service.
For a feature, conversion or upgrade, IBM or your reseller may require that the Machine on which
it is installed be 1) the designated, serial-numbered Machine and 2) at an engineering-change
level compatible with the feature, conversion, or upgrade. Some of these transactions (called “Net-
Priced” transactions) may include additional parts and associated replacement parts that are
provided on an exchange basis. All removed parts become the property of IBM and must be returned
to IBM.
Replacement parts assume the remaining warranty of the parts they replace.
If a Machine does not function as warranted during the warranty period, IBM or your reseller will
repair or replace it (with a Machine that is at least functionally equivalent) without charge. If IBM
or your reseller is unable to do so, you may return it to your place of purchase and your money
will be refunded.
If you transfer a Machine to another user, warranty service is available to that user for the
remainder of the warranty period. You should give your proof of purchase and this Statement to
that user.
Warranty Service
To obtain warranty service for the Machine, contact your reseller or call IBM. In the United
States, call IBM at 1-800-772-2227. In Canada call IBM at 1-800-565-3344. You may be
required to present proof of purchase.
IV Page V Friday, April 3, 1998 6:29 PM
The service may be 1) a “Repair” service at your location (called “On-Site”) or at one of IBM’s or
a reseller’s service locations (called “Carry-in”) or 2) an “Exchange” service, either On-site or
Carry-in. If in doubt, contact your point of sale.
When a type of service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the item IBM or your reseller
replaces becomes its property and the replacement becomes yours. The replacement may not
be new, but will be in good working order, and at least functionally equivalent to the item
It is your responsibility to:
1. obtain authorization from the owner (for example, your lessor) to have IBM or your reseller
service a Machine that you do not own;
2. where applicable, before service is provided -
a. follow the problem determination, problem analysis and service request procedures that
IBM or your reseller provide.
b. secure all programs, data and funds contained in a Machine.
c. inform IBM or your reseller of changes in a Machine’s location, and
d. for a Machine with exchange service, remove all features, parts, options, alterations, and
attachments not under warranty service. Also the Machine must be free of any legal
obligations or restrictions that prevent its exchange; and
3. be responsible for loss of, or damage to, a Machine in transit when you are responsible for
the transportation charges.
Extent of Warranty
IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of a Machine.
Misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment, improper
maintenance by you, or failure caused by a product for which IBM is not responsible may void the
In Canada, warranties include both warranties and conditions.
Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above
limitation may not apply to you.
V Page VI Friday, April 3, 1998 6:29 PM
For European warranty terms and conditions refer to enclosed IBM warranty
statement Part Number 72H9623.
Référez-vous à la garantie IBM N°de référence 72H9623 pour les conditions
de garantie européennes.
Die europäischen Garantiebedingungen finden Sie in der beigefügten IBM-
Gewährleistungserklärung, Teilenummer 72H9623.
Los términos y condiciones de las garantías en Europa se recogen en la
declaración de garantía adjunta del número de pieza IBM 72H9623.
Per le condizioni e i termini di garanzia relativi ai paesi europei, consultare
l'apposita dichiarazione IBM (numero di matricola 72H9623).
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